by (800 points)
How to control the visibility of results to the users

2 Answers

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by (800 points)
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Controlling the visibility of the exam results to the users (candidates) is quiet manageable in Kaldin, We can control the visibility of the exam results to the user by just updating the settings.
However you can control the visibility only with private exams, and you cannot control the visibility of the results for the public exams results

A) Private Exam:

How to make results visible to the user( Candidate)?


  1. Login as an admin user
  2. Go to My Profile page by just clicking on logged in email address at top right corner
  3. Click on Settings
  4. Set "Show Result to Candidate:"  YES to provide visibility of results to the user(candidate)
  5. Further you can set whether user can able to view summary of the result or Detailed Result by just picking option at “Summary/Details” Drop down
  6. Click on Save Button

How the visibility of result to user set up would reflect to user after giving the exam?
-Soon after user(candidate) gives the exam, It will show a message like..” Thank you for giving the exam” Message over here and user can able to view the result by just clicking on

To view the results,
User would need to click on “Given Exams” Link
By Clicking on Details section at Given Exams.. User will redirected to this page where user can able to view the Results over here

How to make results Invisible to the user( Candidate)?


  • Login as an admin user
  • Go to My Profile page by just clicking on logged in email address at top right corner
  • Click on Settings
  • Set "Show Result to Candidate:"  YES to provide visibility of results to the user(candidate)
  • Click on Save Button


How the In-visibility of result to user set up would reflect to user after giving the exam

If user tries to view the results after giving an exam, It will not display the results at Given exams page, In this case it will display like..below screen

B) Public Exam:
If User (Candidates) completes any public examination, In this case the results are directly sent to their email address, Regardless of settings provided at admin. After successful giving the exam which is set a public.. user can able to view the message as show in the below screen and the result of the exam will be received on his/her email address


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by (800 points)

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